Friday 3 February 2017

1 Hour Leadership Development Program - 14 Leadership Tips - Tips 10 - 14

Leadership Tips 10 of 14: Understand emotional needs

Victory has an emotional attachment, a passion in achievement of vision. Every individual of the victorious team will have a winning purpose and will be emotionally attached to it. This emotional purpose is the driving force towards victory.

Leaders need to take care of their staff. Discover their emotional needs, then motivate and give every support needed to meet their emotional need.

A leader's greatest job is to bring out the value of his team members. Let them know their value. A leader should be compassionate at times, which will bring in an extra bonding and emotional attachment, developing into trust, understanding and value for each other. It develops unity. It is a great feeling when your team leader listens to you; value your points and helps in solving the problems, either official or personal. It reduces stress and alleviates their performance to achieve the vision.

Leadership Tips 11 of 14: Art of positive motivation

The best motivation comes from within. A good leader just has to ignite the belief system and fuel it; success will ensue. Motivate staff regularly, from your top performing executive to your office boy because I believe, if one person in your team is de-motivated it can ruin the entire team. If there is a problem of concern at office on any matter bring it out rather that encasing it.

Your internal motivation is your self drive (hunger to succeed) and attitude. Don't be complacent.
In a positive environment even an under performer is motivated and becomes a performer but in a negative environment a performer can fail miserably because he is not valued and is continuously de-motivated.

Listen to your staff, make sure their views and points are considered and appreciated. Further, keep promises, give respect and seek respect, be committed to the staff and be one among them. Let the team have a shared vision and it's not an individual, it's a team with passion, which succeeds.

Leadership Tips 12 of 14: Appreciate, recognize and reward

Appreciation, reorganization and reward, play magic on individuals or team. Employees who feel recognized deliver excellent results. Keep the team and the individual team member well informed on the company activities and their performance status. Update the sales score board daily. Trigger the competition among team members, competition among teams, and among different branches.
Appreciate, recognize and reward performance. A job well done pat on the shoulders, well done hand shake, a personalized appreciation email or letter can be very motivating and will help in steady growth in the performance of the team.

Recognize employee performance at the right time, delay can cause de-motivation. And, reward them at the right occasion. Results are best when you reward. But remember it's a regular process.
Increase reward program and minimize finger pointing. Praise the employees publicly and specifically for his work. Display testimonial letters on the board. Celebrate occasions and event like birthday, marriage anniversary, etc.

Leadership Tips 13 of 14: Breaking the shell

Life is a continuous learning process. Regularly update your skills and be hungry for new updates in different areas. Read and listen to motivational books, tapes and disks. Arrange presentation and learning session. Let every staff contribute to it.

The whole idea behind it is to develop a family environment, free of stress and fear. Employees can free themselves and display their strength in every area. They are encouraged to take risk and develop new ideas which will help to discover new processes and strategies. Employees never fear to bring new creative thoughts or ideas and experiment them. These ideas may be successful or it may fail, either ways it is recognized and rewarded. It's not suppressed, it is appreciated and encouraged. The basic idea is to energize, develop, equip and take new challenges & responsibility which will lead the company to greater vision and success. Work is delegated to those employees who tend to put extra effort. They are smart workers. They work more for the company; they spend more time on office work.

Leadership Tips 14 of 14: Transfer leadership

Be a transparent leader, be committed at all levels, keep even the small promises not just in you work place but in your life also. Be sincere and caring. Don't put off things, do it with out any delay. Stand by your employees; if some complaints arise from customer first investigate it and take corrective or preventive action. Never put an employee in state of fear of losing the job. Advice him, and see that he and other staffs don't repeat the same mistake again.

Lead from front, be a role model. Show expertise and confidence. Leaders show the route to success and help their subordinates to become a leader. They spread the light of leadership and bring the subordinates to their level. They give the freedom to develop oneself and grow. Subordinates look up to the leader for guidance and direction. Leaders Leave Legacy!

Funniest Leadership Speech ever!

Thursday 2 February 2017

1 Hour Leadership Development Program - 14 Leadership Tips - Tips 5 - 9

Leadership Tips 5 of 14: Courage builder
Courage is the strength and power of leadership. Most people don't like to take risk. They don't even initiate opportunities, because of fear of losing or the change involved in it. People are afraid to take ownership of situation, either it be a good situation or bad situation. And, if it's a bad situation it's the blame game they play. Eliminate fear! The best way to control or win fear is to face it with mental strength and determination.

Leadership Tips 6 of 14: Creativity - cultivate different seeds
Creative ideas lead over experience and existing winners. It cuts every limit to success.
Stop doing the same thing over and over, stop imitating what others did. Most inventions or creative ideas evolve when men are alone, while day dreaming during their leisure time and when their mind is relaxed and full with positive energy.

Leadership Tips 7 of 14: Change adaptability
Learn to manage change. Life is full of choices and compromises. It's dynamic and changing. The environment around us is changing, society is changing, people are changing, technology is changing, and almost everything is changing. The best way to manage change is to embrace it. Anticipate it, monitor it, accept it, adapt to it & enjoy it. Make, 'change' part of your life, a leader is a continuous learner so he has to change continuously by enhancing skills and move forward.

Leadership Tips 8 of 14: Setting the environment
Set the office environment right, display or hang motivational posters, product banners, policy documents, incentive charts, mission statement etc around. Display employee performance chart and best performer awards and photos around. Establish a positive quality environment where the staffs are motivated to deliver their best.

Leadership Tips 9 of 14: Communication with understanding
The greatest road block in communication is our tendency to evaluate or make judgments once you hear or see something. This is our natural urge. We usually agree or disagree to a statement from our point of view. Suppose this statement on which you evaluate has greater emotions, feelings and a strong message then your reactions will be sensitive. Either you approve or disapprove the attitude expressed. This impulse to evaluate any emotionally meaningful statement from our point of view is what blocks interpersonal communication.

First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

Wednesday 1 February 2017

1 Hour Leadership Development Program - 14 Leadership Tips - Tips 1 - 4

Leadership is the road map to success. It brings continuous excellence in human life.
Are there born leaders? Every man is a leader and leadership is evolved with in and it flourishes in every aspect of living; let it be business, your office, in sports, in politics, in society, family and in every corner of the world.

First we must understand that leadership is not just an outside process, we lead our self first and influence our self to establish the self-direction and self motivation to deliver the best.
Leadership begins within. The seeds are already embedded inside us. We need to care it, water it, nourish it and get the best out of it continuously. If you can develop your personal leadership skills i.e. once you learn to lead yourself, you can set examples of your selves and lead your people.

Leadership is a multidimensional activity. It seems to be very complex but its simple and within ourselves. We need to bring the leadership out, spread its rays and bring meaning to life. Leadership is both an inward and outward activity. Leadership starts with personal leadership and it spreads around taking shape of what I call people leadership. It is result oriented and relationship oriented.

The CEO of a company and the sales executive both are leaders. A CEO leads the organization where as a sales executive uses his leadership skills to establish himself in the organization.

Effective Leadership Training Program in 1 hour

Leadership Tips 1 of 14: Set the right attitude
Leadership Tips 2 of 14: Fine tuning 'the self'
Leadership Tips 3 of 14: Developing vision and conquer time
Leadership Tips 4 of 14: Knowledge building
Leadership Tips 5 of 14: Courage builder
Leadership Tips 6 of 14: Creativity - cultivate different seeds
Leadership Tips 7 of 14: Change adaptability
Leadership Tips 8 of 14: Setting the environment
Leadership Tips 9 of 14: Communication with understanding
Leadership Tips 10 of 14: Understand emotional needs
Leadership Tips 11 of 14: Art of positive motivation
Leadership Tips 12 of 14: Appreciate, recognize and reward
Leadership Tips 13 of 14: Breaking the shell
Leadership Tips 14 of 14: Transfer leadership

Leadership Tips 1 of 14: Set the right attitude

Attitude contributes a lot to success. A study in Harvard University figured out an interesting result that a person gets a job or promotion because of his attitude, contributing 85% and remaining 15% only to other factors.

Always be positive, optimistic. Stay away from negative areas. Never let negativity enter your mind. Take life with a smile. Inhale positive thoughts and spread positive energy. I have a friend she is a very positive person and when ever you say something she laughs loudly in a special way. This positive ness from her laugh generates lot of power and energy, in everyone around her. It's always great to have some natural positive power generators as friends.

If one believes he can win, he will win. We have to develop our positive believing attitude.

We may loose out or may not achieve perfection still we are winners because we are positive, we have the desire and commitment. Learn from other mistakes and avoid it happening to you. Success is routed through failures but the 'never say die' attitude leads to success.

Leadership Tips 2 of 14: Fine tuning 'the self'

Self discipline is the key in a leader's life. A system should be developed so that the maximum level of performance energy can be achieved. One has to manage oneself first. For this we need to fine tune ourselves both physically and mentally. Setting good habits are very important and it directly results in positive ness and optimistic vision.

"The first and best victory is to conquer self"
- Plato, Greek Philosopher

Bring a system in your life

Wake up early

Most leaders wake up early. In doing so they have lot more time to organize and feed their mind & body with positive energy. Too much sleeping makes you dopey. It won't fresh you up, rather it tires you. So Sleep well and wake up naturally before the alarm rings.

Energize your mind & body

Get up early, devote some time for yourself, do some mind and body exercises. You will feel refreshed and calm for the whole day and also will boost your confidence level. This is so because human body generates lot of enzymes and fluids, if we exercise and these help in increasing the performance level of our body and mind.

Good Food habits

Food habits play an important role in your body and mind activities. You are what you eat or your thoughts are what you eat. So take a balanced diet.

Relax yourself, take a stroll, day dream

Releasing of stress is very important and our body and mind needs to relax. A break is always mandatory.

Leadership Tips 3 of 14: Developing vision and conquer time

Vision is your goals; it can be a combination of goals, your career goal, business goal, financial goal, family goal, etc. Goal is time bound. Your goal should be broken down into smaller goals; it should be clear and specific. You can also have short term goals running parallel to your long term goal.

Goals cannot be vague and it should be realistic and balanced. It must be SMART.

S - specific (prioritize)
M - measurable
A - achievable
R - relavent
T - time bound

You have to balance the goal with environment - let it be your family, business, finance, health, society.

The most important is the plan. You should have a specific plan that helps you to achieve your goal in time. Goals are dynamic because of the changes that life brings. So it's important to adapt or foresee the change and update your goals.

Leadership Tips 4 of 14: Knowledge building

Feed you mind continuously with good thoughts and knowledge. In this competitive world it is important to gain external & internal knowledge. External knowledge is on the world around you; it may or may not affect you. It can be the market knowledge. Internal knowledge is directly related to your vision. It is a critical success factor for successful accomplishment of your vision.

Convert opportunity to success, for this you need to look for inputs always. Collect as many data as possible, eliminate junk and keep only the relevant ones. This Data is Information, listen to it carefully. Information is Knowledge, understand it well. Knowledge is Intelligence, its wisdom. Knowledge is potential power and Wisdom is power. Power is success.

'ACT' on the knowledge and wisdom attained. Just acquiring the knowledge will not lead to success; link it with your vision and ACT.

Stephen Covey Video on Choosing Success