Leadership Tips 10 of 14: Understand emotional needs
has an emotional attachment, a passion in achievement of vision. Every
individual of the victorious team will have a winning purpose and will
be emotionally attached to it. This emotional purpose is the driving
force towards victory.
Leaders need to take care of their staff.
Discover their emotional needs, then motivate and give every support
needed to meet their emotional need.
A leader's greatest job is to
bring out the value of his team members. Let them know their value. A
leader should be compassionate at times, which will bring in an extra
bonding and emotional attachment, developing into trust, understanding
and value for each other. It develops unity. It is a great feeling when
your team leader listens to you; value your points and helps in solving
the problems, either official or personal. It reduces stress and
alleviates their performance to achieve the vision.
Leadership Tips 11 of 14: Art of positive motivation
best motivation comes from within. A good leader just has to ignite the
belief system and fuel it; success will ensue. Motivate staff
regularly, from your top performing executive to your office boy because
I believe, if one person in your team is de-motivated it can ruin the
entire team. If there is a problem of concern at office on any matter
bring it out rather that encasing it.
Your internal motivation is your self drive (hunger to succeed) and attitude. Don't be complacent.
In a positive environment even an under performer is motivated and
becomes a performer but in a negative environment a performer can fail
miserably because he is not valued and is continuously de-motivated.
to your staff, make sure their views and points are considered and
appreciated. Further, keep promises, give respect and seek respect, be
committed to the staff and be one among them. Let the team have a shared
vision and it's not an individual, it's a team with passion, which
Leadership Tips 12 of 14: Appreciate, recognize and reward
reorganization and reward, play magic on individuals or team. Employees
who feel recognized deliver excellent results. Keep the team and the
individual team member well informed on the company activities and their
performance status. Update the sales score board daily. Trigger the
competition among team members, competition among teams, and among
different branches.
Appreciate, recognize and reward performance. A
job well done pat on the shoulders, well done hand shake, a
personalized appreciation email or letter can be very motivating and
will help in steady growth in the performance of the team.
employee performance at the right time, delay can cause de-motivation.
And, reward them at the right occasion. Results are best when you
reward. But remember it's a regular process.
Increase reward
program and minimize finger pointing. Praise the employees publicly and
specifically for his work. Display testimonial letters on the board.
Celebrate occasions and event like birthday, marriage anniversary, etc.
Leadership Tips 13 of 14: Breaking the shell
is a continuous learning process. Regularly update your skills and be
hungry for new updates in different areas. Read and listen to
motivational books, tapes and disks. Arrange presentation and learning
session. Let every staff contribute to it.
The whole idea behind
it is to develop a family environment, free of stress and fear.
Employees can free themselves and display their strength in every area.
They are encouraged to take risk and develop new ideas which will help
to discover new processes and strategies. Employees never fear to bring
new creative thoughts or ideas and experiment them. These ideas may be
successful or it may fail, either ways it is recognized and rewarded.
It's not suppressed, it is appreciated and encouraged. The basic idea is
to energize, develop, equip and take new challenges &
responsibility which will lead the company to greater vision and
success. Work is delegated to those employees who tend to put extra
effort. They are smart workers. They work more for the company; they
spend more time on office work.
Leadership Tips 14 of 14: Transfer leadership
a transparent leader, be committed at all levels, keep even the small
promises not just in you work place but in your life also. Be sincere
and caring. Don't put off things, do it with out any delay. Stand by
your employees; if some complaints arise from customer first investigate
it and take corrective or preventive action. Never put an employee in
state of fear of losing the job. Advice him, and see that he and other
staffs don't repeat the same mistake again.
Lead from front, be a
role model. Show expertise and confidence. Leaders show the route to
success and help their subordinates to become a leader. They spread the
light of leadership and bring the subordinates to their level. They give
the freedom to develop oneself and grow. Subordinates look up to the
leader for guidance and direction. Leaders Leave Legacy!
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