Thursday 31 August 2017

How to Improve Your Skills in Public Speaking

Today, there are many ways on how to improve your public speaking skills. Taking classes in public speaking, for one, can make you learn how to overcome your nervousness and feel confident every time you face the audience. If you can feel the confidence once you are up on stage, you can be very good in this skill. You can easily leave your mark on people and they can respect you for your talent.
Speaking in public is usually a feared event especially for beginners. But once you have learned how to cope up with your fear through formal training, you can easily get over this fear and may even excite you whenever you are tasked to speak to the crowd. Today, there are so many resources with regards to deriving the skills on speaking in public particularly from the schools and online training classes.

Benefits from Public Speaking Classes
The first thing that public speaking classes will teach you is how to overcome the edginess in you. You must know that even the experienced public speakers do get the nerves sometimes so consider this as a normal reaction but must be eliminated from your system. Getting over the shyness is tantamount to learning the techniques of mind control. It goes like once you face the audience you can instantly focus your mind on your own speech and speak in your own world. Basically, this is what the professional public speakers do. They know how to control their minds and their nerves to get that extreme confidence.
Large part of the classes in public speaking will tackle more about defeating your anxieties or shyness because anxieties are the blockades that can break your emotions and can make you feel more scared in facing your audience. In case you do your best and still cannot break the wall between you and your audience, you can always go back and review what you have learned from your classes and then try facing your audience again.

Public speaking classes will also teach you the better ways in preparing for your speech prior to the actual day of the event. You will also be trained to familiarize yourself with your surroundings and even how to visualize the venue of your speech while doing your practice speech. Experts in public speaking also do this kind of technique.
Earning You Important Tools
Learning how to focus is what your trainers will also teach you. You will learn how to confine yourself in your own speech and how to eliminate distractions from your mind. You will also be trained to be more positive so you can be able to accept mistakes as part of becoming liberal with your speech deliveries.

Completing a full class in public speaking will not only improve your skills in speaking in public but you will also be equipped with tools so that you can be able to create your speeches spontaneously and deliver it like one good professional public speaker. With your learned skills, you can have greater success with your future speaking engagement. Your memory will also be enhanced and you can automatically think of ways to get the attention of your audience when speaking in public.
If you want to know how to improve your skills in speaking in public, you must be persistent in achieving your goals. If you cannot be persistent, you cannot be able to conquer your problem. Moreover, if ever you can go along making successful speeches, your confidence level will progress for the better.

If you can find time attending public speaking classes or workshops or perhaps training courses online, you will definitely gain so much and you will definitely learn how to improve your skills in speaking in public and use it to your own advantage.


How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure

There are some really powerful tips on speaking that can be applied in every aspect of your speaking, privately and publicly. What do you think?

Wednesday 30 August 2017

How To Get People To Understand You

There will be times, with all the interactions you have on a daily basis, that someone is not going to understand you.
At work you may try to explain a procedure to a co-worker; in a social situation, like a restaurant, it's important for wait staff to understand your order; and then, there is your private life where it's very important to you that those close to you, understand you.
There are numerous situations where you will want people to understand you.
Here are some thoughts about how to get people to understand you.
1. Be in control when explaining yourself
Don't let your emotions be the ruler, but the fuel of who you are. It's an awesome thing to have a great idea that you are passionate about, but if you let passion dominate your wisdom you will lose control of more than explaining yourself. If you want people to understand you relax, in the confidence of who you are and explain yourself.

2. Speak with clarity as you explain yourself.
If you want people to understand you, then you are responsible for speaking in such a way that they can understand you. This involves knowing what you want to say. Once you know what you want to say, practice it a few times before you actually present to your audience.
When you want to be understood, avoid using language that is unfamiliar to those to whom you are talking. If street language is what those you are talking to understand best then use that language so they may have a better chance of understanding what you are saying. And definitely don`t use high class language because it could send a wrong message.
By the same token, if you are talking with a boss or other important person you won't want to use street language to elicit their understanding. You will run the risk of losing them as they are forced to ask, "what does that mean?"
Speak in a language that your particular audience can understand and be clear if you want others to understand what you are saying.

3. Appear as if you want to be understood by those to whom you are talking
That means that you need to have confidence in what you be will saying. Confidence is about knowing what you're going to say before you say it and in knowing that what you are saying is correct and useful or interesting to your audience.
Practice can enhance your confidence.
Your body language will also tell others if you are sincere about being understood. For example, if you are running your fingers through your hair, while trying to explain something to someone, you are demonstrating nervousness and insecurity, neither of which help you to be understood.
4. Be reliably honest
This is essential if you want people to listen long enough to understand you. Some people consistently lie or fabricate stories and then wonder why they can't get any understanding when they really need it. It's because of their past unreliability and dishonesty. If you want people to understand you then be reliable and honest.
5. Point out similarities between what you are saying and what someone else is saying
Similarities will help others understand you more clearly, and in addition, give more credence to what you are saying. When one sees commonalities it helps to make connections which in turn helps understanding. Thus, the more connections you can help someone make, the more understanding you can achieve.

If you want people to understand you than you must work at being understood.
These are some ways to get people to understand you. Put these tips into practice and you should get what you want: more understanding from the people you are talking to.


Simon Sinek: If You Don't Understand People, You Don't Understand Business

This video is a bit longer than most of the videos that I post, however there are some really important ideas that are addressed. Let me know what the most important take away that you get from it.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

5 Ways to Understand Your Communication Style

As a professional, how you present yourself to others is critical to your success; and although technical skills are important in doing your job well, it is how well you communicate and get along with others is the real test of your true potential.

Trust, transparency, authenticity and rapport are the four cornerstones of effective communication. Knowing that some people just naturally click with one another - and others, not so much - we can struggle to find common ground which can lead to conflict and a negative work environment.
What we don't always remember, however, is that each of us approach the world differently and have different communication styles. In communication, we tend to speak different "languages." Master communicators understand fully the four cornerstones of effective communication and they adapt their communication "language" to that of the other person. It doesn't mean they would give up their native tongue (who they truly are). It just means they are willing to adapt their approach in order to most effectively engage with others. 
Adapting our behavioral and communication styles is one of the most important ways to apply the four cornerstones of effective communication; while also being willing to respect others and put their communication style preference first. Remember, people want to be treated the way THEY want to be treated; not the way you think they should be treated.

What are the communication and behavior styles?
No matter whose approach you study, you will find that your behavior and communication style falls into one of four categories:
The Socializer
The Commander
The Thinker
The Relator
The Socializer is open in their communication style and the focus is on people. They are enthusiastic and creative, they love to talk, love being the center of attention and they are not much for details and organization.

The Commander is closed in their communication style and the focus is on tasks. They are highly verbal, directive, know how to inspire, yet like to be in control and can be pushy.

The Thinker is closed in their communication style and the focus is on tasks. They are detailed oriented, reserved, regimented and prefers to work alone rather than with a group.

The Relator is open in their communication style and the focus is on people. They are friendly and accommodating, democratic and supportive. However, they will give in under pressure and have a tendency to value the approval of others.

Each one of us has a core style as well as a sub-style. As you begin to learn and understand your communication and behavioral style, you will be able to recognize the different communication styles of others and adapt accordingly. This is a great skill to have because you will be seen as someone who can get along with others, work within a team and be seen as someone who can solve challenging problems.


Difference between men and women

Can you relate to these communication styles?

Monday 28 August 2017

The Importance of Listening Skills

In today's day and age, the practice of being a good listener often seems to fall by the wayside. Things move fast today, and people are continually plugged in to technology and to the latest-and-greatest events and happenings. Twitter, social networking, 100s of cable channels and online and digital methods of connecting have made in-person interactions seem almost dull and have made it difficult for many people to truly connect.
With all of this going on in the world, it is no wonder that so many people have poor listening skills and are not able to communicate effectively with others. Unfortunately, if you are lacking in listening skills (LS), this may have a significant adverse impact on your life.

Why Are Good Listening Skills so Important?
Good listening skills are extremely important for many different reasons:
• Good listening skills can help you to build stronger relationships. If you do not listen to your partner or your friends, you will never truly know what they need or what they are offering you. You can't make a real connection without listening and getting to know someone. With good LS, however, you can connect on a deeper level and you can make your relationship stronger than it ever was before.

• Good listening skills can help you to better understand people. You can learn a lot about people by sitting back and listening to what they have to say. Knowing what makes someone tick is a great way to become friends with that person, or at least to appear as a positive and worthwhile individual in their eyes. This can help you advance professionally and help you to become well-liked in your personal life. Ultimately, this will make your own life happier.
• Good LS help you to be a better partner and friend. When you actually take the time to actively listen to people in your life, you will have much more to offer to them. You owe it to the people you care about to really listen and respect their needs.
• Good listening skills help you to head off conflict and encourage more positive interactions. By listening to what people really want and need, you can understand the essence of a situation and know how to respond when conflicts arise. Listening is the first step in compromising and many conflicts can be avoided if people really took the time to actively listen.

With so many reasons why good LS are important, it is essential for anyone and everyone to take the steps necessary to learn and cultivate the ability to listen.
One of the best ways to do this is to attend workshops, schedules or courses that teach effective LS. By working with and learning from trained professionals, you can solve problems that you may have with listening or you can simply learn to become a better listener than ever before. This is sure to lead to a richer and more fulfilling life, stronger relationships and increased personal happiness.


5 ways to listen better | Julian Treasure

Have you lost your listening skills??

Friday 25 August 2017

To Live An Inspired Life

Every morning after a cup of coffee while catching up on the daily news, John retreats to his studio, a small space situated at the rear of his house. This has been John's ritual for as long as he can remember. As the hours pass, John is completely consumed by painting. It isn't until evening draws near that he soon realises he has been painting for over ten hours with only a break here and there.

Now in his late fifties, John has been painting since his early twenties and has managed to carve out a successful career. His artwork is regularly featured in corporate foyers across the country, not to mention the regular art exhibits and private buyers who flock to buy his work.
John represents one of many artists who are inspired and, more importantly, not afraid to put in the dedicated hours to create masterpieces. Inspiration is the call from the soul to express itself through you. Inspiration is not only confined to the arts, it may express itself in various forms. You may be inspired if you're a stay-at-home mother tending to your family. Inspiration is not defined by WHAT you do, rather it is defined by the state of being one experiences when inspired.

Inspiration is the expression of creativity and the mind of the universe flowing through you - and it is not exclusive to artists. If you yearn for direction, inspiration may be beckoning. How can you tell the difference between inspiration and happiness, since they both share similarities? Inspiration is characterised by a deep sense of joy and fulfillment. When you are inspired and pursuing your passion, time stands still. You are oblivious to your surroundings.
Those who are inspired find meaning and purpose to their work. They view their purpose as a calling rather than a job or career. Because of this they operate from a higher frequency, allowing the source of their inspiration to flow unimpeded through every cell of their body. Happiness on the other hand is a fleeting experience. You may be happy one moment and sad the next. We might conclude that happiness is ephemeral, bound by the constraints of external reality.
The following points are ways in which to cultivate and nurture inspiration in your daily life. It is worth reiterating that you need not be an artist, musician, dancer, etc. to connect with inspiration. Cooking and sharing a delicious meal with your loved one at the end of a long day may be regarded as an act of inspiration, since it is a calling from the heart.
1. Discover your passion and connect with purpose: What are you most passionate about? What stirs your soul and leaves you daydreaming throughout the day? Those who find passion and purpose report an overwhelming sense of satisfaction, joy and bliss throughout their life. Their spirit is alive. Not only does time stand still, one feels the expression of their soul come alive. Happiness becomes an extension of universal intelligence, which serves as the conduit of this life-force flowing through you.

2. Identify with thoughts which foster inspiration: It seems nowadays life has become a constant battle for survival. Amid the backdrop, inspiration takes a backseat as the mind is caught up in 'survival mode' rather than 'inspired'. Weeding out thoughts which do not resonate with your deepest self allows inspiration to make its way into your life. Let go of disempowering thoughts of lack or limitation since that can stifle inspiration. As you distance yourself from such thoughts, you create a space around them rather than becoming invested in every thought. Drop those thoughts which no longer have a place in your mind and replace them with empowering ones. It won't happen overnight, yet with persistence and compassion you can entertain thoughts which serve your highest good.
3. Develop a purposeful vision: A purposeful vision is one that is connected to your WHY? A purposeful vision is the pursuit of that which resonates with your deepest self. To others it may seem trivial or a waste of time. To you, it is an opportunity to connect with your purposeful self - pursue it with determination. Your determination to succeed will be governed by how strong your why? is. If you have a strong enough why? success becomes an extension of your efforts. Your why? is your call to action. It is your internal reference and guidepost leading you towards your purpose-filled vision.
4. Inspired people can't wait to wake up in the morning: Inspired people don't sleep in. You might be surprised to learn that inspired people are often insomniacs. Many of them ruminate in a positive way about their passion even while asleep. They live in the present moment. They practice infinite patience, since they are not bound by the constraints of tomorrow or yesterday. Inspired people make time in the afternoon for brief power naps in which to recharge. Not only does a twenty to thirty minute nap serve to lower stress, it improves cognitive function and stimulates right brain neural activity.

5. Inspiration is an act of Flow: I previously wrote about Flow as a way to deeply connect with a pursuit or passion. Termed "Optimal Experience" by the Hungarian psychology professor, Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi, Flow is the internal state one experiences when consumed by their passion. Therefore a violinist may be said to be in Flow during a live performance on stage. Inspiration is heightened when one is in Flow since they are connected with higher brain regions, notably the right hemisphere. The good news is that inspiration crosses over into other areas of your life as you become open to it. Inspiration loves to be called upon, so the more space you make for it, the more readily it is available to you.


Jim Rohn Leading an Inspired Life

A summary of Jim Rohn's book "Leading an Inspired Life". The key of discipline.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Are Your VALUES Blocking Your SUCCESS?

With a change in my circumstances and recent problems in my life, I have been trying to define success and what it really means to each of us and I think I have worked out its foundations. I believe that the essence of our lives is our values - what matter to us the most and how they shape our world. Whether liberating or limiting, values affect everything we do.
Someone can live with a value that says: Disco dancing is not something any self-respecting person does! That's fine, but that preference ignores two important and beneficial facts about the pastime. First, that the more we exercise our bodies, the more we are relaxed by music and the healthier we are. Second, the more we take time out to simply enjoy ourselves and connect with other humans, the better we both look and feel.

Values come from our parents, to begin with, then from our peer groups and then through our workplace, from the people we routinely try to impress and, finally, from ourselves through increased awareness and knowledge. What a lot of people subconsciously deny is that they can actually change their values and thus change their lives, dramatically - almost in an instant; that values DO change as we become more aware and evolve in our lives, to match our aspirations and identity.
Every behaviour we express is done for either one of two reasons: to avoid pain or to get pleasure, according to our value system. So, if we are reluctant to change our values it is likely that we associate pain with them (the pain of disapproval, of isolation from a significant person/group, of punishment, of guilt, of disappointment or of confused identity, to name a few examples).
Values and Personal Perception
Values powerfully affect personal PERCEPTION which in turn decides our identity, beliefs, attitudes, behaviour, aspirations, purpose and the reaction from others. That's why fearful people with weak, inconsistent or superficial values tend to have no real purpose to their lives or any genuine success. It is difficult to achieve when we don't know what we want, when we prefer to blame others for our problems or are afraid to dream.

Perception is actually governed by two elements: CONFIDENCE and FEAR, the amount of each depending on personality and experience. For example, someone who is confident would be more assured in approach and more willing to experiment and move into the unknown; to give greater acknowledgement and value to others because they are likely to feel less threatened. However, someone whose perception is dominated by fear will be more anxious, perhaps developing a siege mentality, and likely to withdraw from most things in their lives. They would see everything as threatening, costly, painful or even alien to their values. They would seldom see gains, only losses. Most of their values would tend to be limiting, avoiding rather than approaching, which ultimately curtails their personal success.
Values also dictate five very important aspects of our perception:
a. Who am I?
b. What do I stand for?
c. Where am I going?
d. How much do I like myself?
e. How do I treat/relate to others?

The Effect of Congruence on Success
True SUCCESS comes when we have CONGRUENCE (or alignment) in our values and know the answers to the 5 elements above by heart. I could not be as successful as I hoped before now because I had too much incongruence and inconsistency in my life. For example, I wanted desperately to be loved by my husband but I still put up with a negative situation instead, thinking all the time things would change as I waited for him to act! Yet the key was really me taking action, not waiting for someone else to do so. I also wanted to be a successful entrepreneur through my talents, but way back as a teenager I made vows to give up material things and eschew money which has remained in my subconscious ever since. The result is that I paid little attention to the finance while focusing on the product! But the two needed to go together.
I also wanted to be creative to fulfil Items b and c, but I suppressed my creativity with my partner because he did not give my dreams or aspirations much relevance or encouragement. In fact, in my bid for approval, I accepted behaviour both in myself and others which went against my values and principles, as I tried vainly to live a 'decent' and caring life. But decency is not possible in an absence of respect. Nothing good can ever come out of incongruence and imbalance, especially when our values are constantly challenged. When we have to pretend regarding our basic needs, or to deny what we want to make us happy in order to please someone else or gain approval, we are going nowhere.

I feel as though I had to shed the old false skin of incongruity, to go to rock bottom on all fronts, especially in my marriage and business, which had lots of inconsistencies, to realise who I was and where I was going. The effect, this past few years, in particular, has been incredible. It's like being finally contented, at peace, knowledgeable and invincible.
Purpose and Meaning
Values give us both purpose and meaning. Success is thus elusive when we don't know exactly where we are heading in our life and what our purpose is. That is why many people achieve short term aims, like money or status, but still remain largely unhappy and unfulfilled. In fact, they might have great disappointment wondering if that was what it was all about. They mistakenly believe those things would provide happiness. But such transitory gains usually don't, unless they are part of the context of fulfilling an overall individual purpose at some point. Happiness comes from inside us, when we know who we are, what we stand for and where we are going; when we love ourself unconditionally and treat others with compassion, value and respect, if not love. When we actually make time for others and ourselves, the Universe delivers.
My overall purpose is simple: to make a difference to the lives of others for the rest of my life. In daily terms it translates like this: Giving either my smile, an affirmation, praise, my time, information, advice, my expertise or actual presence to someone to help their life to be more meaningful and enjoyable. One person having any of my contributions on any one day will mean 365 for the whole year. And if they each passed that on to just one other person, that will be 730. That's how I hope to impact on MY world, not the world at large because that will take care of itself in due course through the ripple effect.
The Power of Values over Decisions
Basically, wherever we are frustrated in our achievement, there is usually a value blocking the way, because it is incompatible with what we actually seek or desire, or because we have too readily compromised it! We are not being true to ourselves which generates unnecessary mental conflict and anguish. For example, we might value one thing - like honesty - but secretly have affairs, or slag off our friends and colleagues, then wonder why there is no trust at home or we have few friends! If we are also stuck in an unfulfilling job which goes against our values and which puts a salary at the heart of everything, we will continue to be unhappy, low in self-esteem and to underachieve.
People who want to 'change the world' tend to be the least likely to do anything at all because they are too focused on the big picture and become overwhelmed by it, which makes them inactive. What they forget is that changing the world is a collective responsibility. While they are busy trying to change it singlehandedly everyone else would then have nothing to do, and might even sabotage their efforts through envy or jealousy!! However, if everyone simply looked after, or impacted on, their own environment in some small way, the whole world would gradually be impacted through an outwardly rippling effect, hopefully for the better.
Do you know what your values are? If you do, what should be the most important thing for you today? Not sure? Well, it is every single DECISION you are likely to make, no matter how small. But that's another article! As long as you are sure of your values and live through them, without undue compromise, your success is guaranteed. I hope you have a fabulous day, and that your values are giving you both the confidence and the courage to make the right decisions. You could be most surprised by the results!


#TonyTalk 11: Conflicting Values: Sabotaging Your Success

Short and sweet video from the master of motivation!

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Your Goal Must Be In Alignment With Your Values

Goal setting is usually very straight forward. You write down a clear, concise goal and then begin to move forward to achieve it. The problem comes when your values are not in alignment with your goal.

A value is a standard of behavior, thought or belief you hold dear to you. This could be the importance of caring for others, integrity, friendliness, and spiritual connection to name a few. A goal is something you wish to achieve. Your values will help you make it to your named destination.
One common area of conflict between values and your desired achievement occurs is in the area of prosperity and abundance. People who grew up in a strict Christian environment may have a conflict between being prosperous and achieving a spiritual life. They may have a fear that riches could lead them away from God. This sets up a conflict on the subconscious level between abundance and spirituality. For the conflict to be resolved, either the goal or the value needs to change.

Another value could be to live life simply. This belief holds that the simpler you live, the fewer resources you use and the more will be available for other people. You could say the belief supporting this value is that resources are limited and there is a direct cause and effect between what you use and what others don't have. If you want a new car, you may run into conflict between your value of simplicity and your desire of the car.
The struggle between values and goals can also be seen in the corporate world. If you grew up in a family where being considerate of people was paramount, the cut-throat mentality of the corporate world can result in deep inner conflict. This can lead to physical issues such as ulcers, high blood pressure and heart disease. You either have to change your values or find a way to bring your actions into alignment with your values.

When setting your goals, do some soul searching as to any unintended consequences of achieving your deeply help desire that are not in alignment with your values. When you find conflicts you need to do some problem solving. What do you want more, the goal or the value? Is there a way to have both and thus remove the conflict?

Does what you hold dear to you have contradictory beliefs within it? For instance, one value you may have is the importance of caring for you and your family. At the same time you may believe having abundance is not spiritual. Is your adherence to the value resulting in fear that abundance will lead you from God prevent you from caring from your family? These types of inconsistencies can result in inner turmoil.


Mindful Connecting with Values

Mindfulness is a really nice relaxing way to start the day with purpose!

Tuesday 22 August 2017

5 Simple Steps To Find Out Your Values

Last time we talked about how knowing your values are essential to increasing your productivity.
This time, I'll show you how to use the 5 simple steps framework to figure out both your moving-towards values and your moving-away-from values. For simplicity, let's call them towards values and pain values respectively.
Firstly, let's work on your towards values.
Step 1: Identify Your Peak Moments
Before we choose our values, we need to know what's most important to us in life.
It may be hard to randomly come up with vague names like excitement, popularity, power, affection, fun, beauty etc.

So here's a list of questions that help you identify what you value most:
  • When were the times when you were most happy? What were you doing? Who are you with?
  • Do you remember the few rare moments when you are most alive? What was going on and why did you feel so empowered?
  • When were the times when you felt most proud of yourself? What happened? Are there other people celebrating with you?
  • When have you felt the most satisfied and internally fulfilled? What, why and how did that experience give you a sense of life meaning or purpose?
  • What are the biggest decisions have you ever made? How did you make a decision about that?
Step 2: Identify All The Values You Feel Important To You
I recommend you googling "Values List" and you'll find hundreds of values names.

From there, select all the values that you feel that's important to you.
Step 3: Narrowing
You may have circled or highlighted or written down 50 values that seem important to you.
That's okay.
Now you need to narrow down the list to just 10-20 values. It helps if you combine values that are of very similar nature.

For example, if you value achievement, ambition, career promotion, you can name them "professional growth and success"
Once you have done it, you 'll need to again pick the top 5-10 values that you feel represent what's most important to your life right now.
Remember, values can change over time.
Don't worry about being correct or perfection. Just choose top 5-10 that is most suitable to your current life stage.
Step 4: Write Down What Each Value Means To You Specifically
There's no need to follow the general definitions. People often can't relate with a particular value because they don't think the word accurately describes how they really feel.
The word is only a guide to serve you. So go ahead give your values a particular meaning that's catered for yourself only.

For example, when I first did this exercise, I defined "healthy" as "having a strong, lean, fit body and have endless flow of energy to have peak performance" while "gratitude" as "to be calm, tranquil and thankful for whatever happens and understand that everything happens for a reason and it serves me".
Step 5: Rank Your Values
It's time to rank them in order of importance!
As it's difficult to decide which values come before others, you can use the Paired Comparison Method.
Let's say you have your top 7 values. You compare value 1 with values 2-7 respectively. And then repeat value 2 with values 3-7.
Decide how much more important the value you picked is compared to the value you didn't pick. Assign it a number from 0-5, where 0 means that they are both really important to you, and where 5 means that the value you picked is much more important to you than the value you didn't pick.
When you're finished, add up the score for each value. The higher the score the value gets, the more important it is.

When I first did it, I got these towards values: Healthy, Gratitude, Integrity Love, Passion, Resourcefulness, Sustainability, Open-mindedness, Impact.
Once you've found out your towards value, use the exact method to find out your pain values.
It's a long exercise to do, but it's very important to you if you are serious about aligning your life in a way that makes you most happy, productive, passionate, successful, and fulfilled.
So now go and start your assignment!


What Are Your Values? Learn how to Identify Values and Beliefs

What are your greatest values and beliefs. How have these impacted on your life until now?

Monday 21 August 2017

10 Tips To Get Your Week Started on Motivation Monday

People have asked me plenty of times how I stay motivated. They've asked me if I ever get tired of working at break-neck speed. The answer is simple. You have to figure out ways to remain motivated when you're looking to accomplish your dreams and goals.
We're not robots. Some days are better than others. But, on those down days, you have to figure out how to stoke the fire. You can't reach your goals without the motivation to get there. It takes consistency and persistence; especially on the days you're tired or are getting push back and just want to quit.
  1. Choose Your Life's Theme Song: I wrote about this in my motivation book. If you don't have one already, get a theme song. Music is a great motivational driver. I have three songs that motivate me: "Big Time" by Peter Gabriel, "Another Day In Paradise" by Phil Collins, and "Show Me the Way" by Styx. There are plenty of tunes to choose from. Pick a song and play it when you need to get a boost.

  2. Don't Be So Serious: I get it: Life is serious. But, it doesn't have to be that way all the time. I know we all want to achieve our goals and dreams and that takes work, but you have to have some fun. If you ever visited my offices, you would see a place where people work exceedingly hard, but the atmosphere is fun. The same is the case in my house. We take time out to enjoy little things because the only way to any success is to enjoy the process.

  3. Don't Do It Alone: Not too long ago I heard the founder of a major company say that she did not tell a soul about her idea for her product for a year. She wanted to focus and not have any pushback. I don't tend to agree. What I've found is that telling everyone is the way to go. It helps keep you accountable. And, if you get pushback and you stop, well clearly you really didn't want to make that particular dream happen. I prefer not to do it alone, but if going it alone works for you until you're ready, do it.

  4. Embrace Failure: If you're not failing, you're not really trying. Period. We live in a world that is all about "winning." That's great. We all like to win. But typically you can't win without failing. "Fail fast and fail often" is embedded in the American business psyche. I've noticed that entrepreneurs and freelancers get this, but many others don't. Change the narrative in your mind. Failing is okay. It shows you're trying. Just get up and keep going when you fail. Don't stop.

  5. Take It In Small Parts: I'm a big believer in dreaming big and having a grand vision. Why not? Dreams and goals are aspirational. They're not meant to be little. If you're dreaming big, that's great. Keep those dreams alive by breaking them into small parts. It's almost humanly impossible to do something big and grand in one fell swoop. It takes a lot of parts to make the whole. So, break your dreams and the vision into smaller achievable parts.

  6. Reward Yourself: When you accomplish a piece of your dream, reward yourself. It's important to give yourself something for having done a great job. Alternately, when you have a particularly tough day or period of time trying to get from A to B, take a time out. Do something for yourself. It doesn't matter what it is. Just do it for yourself. Consider it a "pre-reward" for then turning around the next morning and not quitting. Reward your tenacity.

  7. Be Visual: Earlier I mentioned music as a motivator. Any goal or dream also requires some sort of visual. Use it as a reminder of where you're going. It doesn't matter if it's a Post-It note on your refrigerator or vision board full of pictures of the life you want to lead. Whatever it is, get it on paper somehow and make sure you look at it every day. Don't write it down and place your dreams in a drawer-literally. Get the written or photographed dream and plan somewhere you can see it daily.

  8. Be Thankful: This one is an important one. I think a lot of people forget they have a lot to be thankful for in their lives. I've spoken to people who are going through a tough time and they tell me that they're offended when someone tells them, "Well, at least you don't have cancer and you have food to eat." Their point is that suffering in this world is relative. One person may seem to have it worse than another, but to any person, whatever they are personally suffering is still tough. My thinking is that no matter what, there's always something to be thankful for in life. Maybe it's simply a sunset, a song, a smile from a stranger or a hug from your kid. Be thankful every day for one thing-no matter how large or small. It helps.

  9. Don't Take Your Eye Off The Ball: We're human. Sometimes we're not at our best. If you are having a down day and can't muster the strength to keep going, it's okay to take a day off. You have to be kind yourself. The trick is in not allowing it to become two days and then three days. If you need a break one day, that's fine. Get your strength back. But, the next day, get back to business and do something toward your dreams.

  10. "Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, give up.": Those are the words of Winston Churchill. He said them to a group of students after London had endured 57 bombings by the Germans. You never give up. You look in the mirror and you never give up. When you give up, here's what happens: You're defeated. So, on those days when you feel like hanging it all up, don't dare. It'll pass. Breathe and keep going.
