Tuesday 8 August 2017

Improving Self Confidence Through Weight Loss

For a lot of people, their confidence is directly linked to how they look. If you look good then you feel good and confidence. If you don't look good then... well, you know I am sure.
The trouble is, a lot of time, these feelings don't even belong to the person involved. They are feelings induced by the media and they are not even real. The media has an obsession with people looking absolutely perfect and are quick to decry anyone for the slightly wrinkle, or crinkle or ounce of fat.
This is, of course, absolutely rubbish and the media portrayal of both men and women have contributed massively to mental health difficulties of many a person.
If you are lacking in confidence and you believe it is due to some excess weight then it is time for you to lose it. However, just losing the weight doesn't always mean you are instantly more confident. You may well need some self confidence courses to boost your confidence as it may be linked to more than just your weight.

When it comes to losing weight, it can be hard to do it by yourself unless you are supremely motivated. Many people struggle on their own because it is effectively overcoming an addiction.
Joining a support group such as Weightwatchers or Slimmers World is often an excellent way to kick start your weight loss and confidence. By joining this group you have people around you who understand what you are going through and are willing to support you. You attend a meeting every week which motivates you as you have something to work towards.
These are very effective if you have the motivation and discipline to attend every week. Too many people attend a couple of times and then decide they won't go because they've slipped off their diet. It is at these times that you must keep going because these are the times you need support the most to keep going.

You can also use hypnosis, which is very effective in helping you to lose weight. It works with your sub-conscious mind to help you change the way you think not only about food and eating, but about yourself. How you perceive yourself affects your diet plans. If you believe you are an overweight person then you will struggle with any diet. If you believe you are a thinner person then the diet will be easier.
Hypnosis is helpful in making these belief changes. You can either attend a one on one session with a hypnotherapist or you can buy one of the many hypnosis CD's on the market which are effective for the majority of people. Which you choose is up to you and your budget.
You can be improving your self confidence much easier than you think not only by shedding a few pounds but by changing your mindset. Remember that the weight loss alone may not be sufficient to improve your confidence, you may need some self confidence courses to help you become much more confident.


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