Tuesday 15 August 2017

5 Tips To Be Successful With Your Job Application

Your resume is the selling point which, when done properly will guarantee you an interview. Most employers view hundreds of job application and their selection is based primarily on individuals job application. If you have a great resume but do not have the right application you may not be considered.
If you made mistakes on a job application, an employer may wonder why they should even consider you for the job since you cannot even properly fill it out. Every job application differs from each other in accordance with the needs of each employer. If you have filled out one application successfully, you should not assume that they are all the same and fill them out as you did with the previous ones.
Check and recheck your job application before you submit it and make sure your handwriting is clear and easy to read.

The following tips will help to increase your chances of being successful with your job application.
1. Arm yourself with all relevant information and have with you your resume, driver's licence if you have one, social security card and every thing else that will increase your chances of being employed. This may include addresses and telephone numbers of previous employers and references. Having these information handy will ensure that you can fill out the job application in the presence of the employer rather than take it home to be brought back on a different day.
2. Make sure you read over the entire application before filling out anything and be sure you understand what is expected of you and follow the directions carefully. It is important that you read over the entire application first, because some application ask for information differently from others and if you assume it is asked one way and misread the directions you will be giving the potential employer the opinion that you cannot follow directions.
3. When you fill out job application, do so as neatly as possible because if it is not done neatly the hiring manager will not take the time required to try and read your application, they are simply going to move on to the other applications that they can read easily. You may type the application or even fill it out on a computer, but when doing this be sure you use an easy to read font. If you have to fill it out by hand, be sure to use black or blue ink only.

4. Make sure you fill out the entire application without leaving any blank spaces. The reason for this is that when you are asked to fill out job application the employers want the same information from all the applications so that they can determine who is best suited for the job. When you run across items that do not apply to you, rather than leave them blank simply write "not applicable" or "n/a" in the space that is provided.
5. Your answers should be tailored to fit the job you are looking for. Focus on your education and experience, this will show that you are fit for the job. Rather than listing your duties and responsibility from previous jobs, give details of your skills and accomplishments.


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