Tuesday 17 January 2017

What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses? How Answering These Questions Can Help You Achieve Happiness

Often, especially when we're interviewing for a new job, we are asked "what are your strengths and weaknesses?" Some of us have an easy time figuring out what our strengths are; others have an easier time identifying their weaknesses. Whatever category you fall into, knowing who you are helps us discover our strengths and weaknesses, and how to re-enforce our strengths and mitigate or eliminate our weaknesses.

In order to find out what your strengths truly are, look at your talents. Are you a good chef, or a musician? What about an athlete or a good friend? What we often call as "talents" are actually titles that surround our talents. If we look at these titles you can discover the true underlying talents. For example, what denotes a good friend? Loyalty, compassion, and trustworthiness, are just some of the traits that I would use to define the qualities of a good friend. What makes a good chef? Their creativity, fearlessness, and passion are all things that come to mind when I think of good chefs. These adjectives are all strengths that when combined define the title of our talents.

Our weaknesses can be found in the areas of our life that inhibit us from achieving our goals. One seemingly positive weakness that many people have is that they're people pleasers. They will take on too much work in attempts to please others, which results in our inability to finish our work or an inability to produce the quality of work we typically produce. Another common weakness is procrastination. Many people today suffer from procrastination due to the ease of surfing the internet. There are even shortcuts built into computer systems that allow us to easily maneuver between windows allowing us to quickly hide the fact that we were just online instead of writing a report when our boss walks by.

Now that we know the answer to "what are your strengths and weaknesses?" We can now go about trying to figure out the best way of utilizing our strengths and either eliminating or mitigating our weaknesses. After identifying our strengths, we need to go about finding the best way for them to be utilized in our given profession, or in the various professions we are interested in pursuing. If one of your strengths is actually a trait that would not be accommodating to the job you're applying for or currently working, chances are you're not happy with where your professional life.

To mitigate or eliminate your weaknesses you're going to have to first acknowledge that they are in fact weaknesses, and second be dedicated to either mitigate them or eliminate them completely. For example if you're a people pleaser you're most likely going to want to mitigate this weakness so it doesn't impair the quality of your life or work you produce, but you still want to be able to please your boss or your significant other. Procrastination on the other hand is going to be one of those weaknesses you're going to want to eliminate. If you can't help surfing the internet instead of doing the work expected of you, you need to be disciplined and not even open up the web browser if possible. Eliminating the temptation to procrastinate often helps us in training ourselves how to be productive.

Ultimately in the end we really want to be able to answer the question " what are your strengths and weaknesses?" because it helps us understand who we are and what we should be doing with our lives that will bring us the greatest joy, happiness, and fulfillment. In the end, happiness is really what everyone is looking for, and you can only be happy once you know who you are, and take responsibility for your life by accepting all your strengths and weaknesses.

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