Friday 27 January 2017

Understanding Your True Self

All of us have different nature and temperament; our individual responses to the same situations are varied. Within our minds, we carry an impression about ourselves just like we carry about others; a variety of traits are attributed to each of us which becomes an integral part of our identity. Whether we seek to be known by those traits or whether these attributed 'traits' ring true to us or not says a lot about how aware we are about our inner self.

However, as many of us may experience, just being aware of our thought patterns and attitude may not be enough. We need sometimes to push ourselves to think harder and gain richer experiences in life just to get to the core of our being.

Life coaches and business coaches give a few tips to improve our quality of life and gain happiness by discovering our true self:

Understanding what you are

What we think about ourselves by and large reflects on what people think about us. Being conscious about 'who we are' helps realize our true potential. All of us have basic set of values which we live by. Identifying these values and living by them helps get through even the most difficult situations in life. By making a mission of discovering our real identity the purpose of our life, the meaning of life will probably be answered in the process. When we feel miserable; the cause of misery is probably not being aware what we really are. With some professional help, it is possible to discover ourselves.

Childhood conditioning

Childhood conditioning plays a major role in our response to things and situations. If we are not conscious of this fact, we might be making choices under the heavy influence of over-bearing parents or friends. However, as we grow and move away from parental influence we tend to think independently and acquire confidence. Even travelling alone helps as it provided solitude for introspection. Getting ourselves out from the mundane routine and exposing ourselves to newer experiences enables us to think differently. Putting ourselves in situations where we are forced to rely on ourselves, we learn to trust ourselves. This is possibly the surest way to becoming who we really are.

Build your self esteem

We all look for our identity as if it is lost in the first place! From a different perspective, by searching for our 'identity' we are really trying to find a solid foundation on which to build our self-esteem. Our urgency and desire to search for a fixed identity may diminish as our core self-esteem grows.
Ignore what people say about you

How can we stop caring what people think about us when we know that it is best for us not to brood over it? We probably need to realize that no matter what people think of us or how they act towards us, it has nothing to do with our real identity, but more to do with how they are feeling at a certain time or place. Not bothering about what people think is actually the best way to open ourselves to the world. It will not only help us take calculated risks but it may help us sense our core self.
Benefits of knowing your true self

Have you ever looked at a colleague and thought: "She really knows who she is, what she believes in and where she's going?" More importantly, can you say this about yourself? Sometimes, getting back to the core of 'who you are' can help your organization create a distinctive position relative to competitors. As you strengthen your foundation, your ability to make decisions and weather life's challenges will be strengthened. You will be free to know, express, develop and integrate your career and personal life.

Darwin's theory of 'Survival of the Fittest' is applicable here as much - in this shrinking world - only the strong and the wise survive. So, it is advisable to take out time to strengthen the 'muscles' of our core identity and pump up our wisdom. Develop the strength to take bold actions, not the strength to suffer.

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