Tuesday 19 December 2017

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Feeling fear whenever you are thrusting yourself outside your comfort zone is a natural response. The challenge is to know when fear is justified and a reason to stop or when fear is just a normal part of the success journey and an opportunity for you to use the fear to sharpen your senses, where you confront the fear and go ahead anyway.
When fear is justified, for example where you may be entering into a contractual agreement with someone that is less than trustworthy, it is crucial to listen to your inner voice and to use the fear you feel to protect yourself. On the other hand, any time you thrust yourself into unchartered territory, where you are pushed outside your self-imposed comfort zone, you will feel fear too. The challenge is to know when fear is real and justified and when it is just your natural desire to seek comfort and avoid pain.
Achievers have mastered this art and they very quickly identify whether fear is justified or whether it is just a normal fear that they are feeling because they are taking a calculated risk and are pushing the boundaries of their comfort zone. You need to invest time to develop this art, where you can very quickly tell if fear is justified or whether it is just your natural aversion to inviting some risk into your life. Feeling fear is a natural protection mechanism that is built into your brain to protect you from any pending danger.
The way to enter the realm of achievement is to very quickly know whether fear is justified or not and to confront your fear, where you feel the fear and go ahead anyway or when to realise that your fear is real and you must take action to avoid the danger. You can never get rid of your fear, but you can learn the art of confronting your fear and using it to your advantage.
For example:
  • Your fear of ignorance can be used to generate inspiration to constantly grow your knowledge.
  • Your fear of poverty can be used to inspire you to work a little harder.
  • Your fear of disease can inspire you to take better care of your body.
  • The fear of losing your family can inspire you to remain faithful, work a little harder and show them love as often as possible.
The secret to becoming and remaining an achiever is to learn the art of quickly identifying the difference between harmful or justified fear or helpful fear or unjustified fear. As soon as you make the shift toward understanding how to use fear to your advantage you turn something that can be very limiting and restrictive into an asset that you can use to create massive success in your life.
Once you have learnt the art of knowing when fear is real and justified or when it is just a natural response to your attachment to stability, it is time to introduce the art of daily discipline into your life. As Roy L Smith said "Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability." Daily discipline is the key to unlock your potential and to turn you into a high performance human being, who operates at levels of super achievement.
Positive self-discipline, where you commit to carry out all the tasks you need to each day, puts you firmly in the driver's seat and over time, these consistent efforts will turn into the success you desire. Yes success does require a commitment to daily discipline and an investment of some of your valuable time, which will cost you something small each day. Failure on the other hand requires nothing from you each day, but the price you will pay in the long run will be massive. What choice do you want to make with your future?


Thursday 14 December 2017

Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds

This is one of the most wisdom filled and heart warming things I have seen.

One of my favourite quotes from the video :

"I don' have any failures. If I'm making a cake and it fails, it becomes a pudding." 

What's yours?

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Gift Ideas That Can Change Someone's Life - Part 2

So what are the gifts that keep on giving, but can also change someone's life?

In my view they are gifts that help to change a person, make their life easier on a day to day basis and provide an ongoing utility and appreciation long after they have been received. 

To that end, here are some of my favourites that I can say, have really enhanced my life and while some of them I have had for over a decade, I still appreciate them and what they have done for me over that time. 

1. A Good Multitool

I'm really not sure if this is a guy thing, however, I have rarely met another guy who hasn't appreciated the value of a good quality multi-tool. I got my first multitool over 20 years ago and I remember feeling like MacGyver. Every time I used the tool, I could appreciate the quality and the utility, and I did get it to do some tough jobs over the years. In the spirit of the gift that keeps on giving, I eventually handed it down to my nephew, who still uses it on almost a daily basis. The secret to the longevity is quality and my personal recommendation is the Leatherman Supertool, which is a full size tool. I have had the every day carry tools like the wave, but not found them as good on heavier duty jobs, but the Supertool has served and delivered on every kind of job.  

Click on the image for more details: 

2. A Useful Skill

Sometimes the limiting factor in our productivity is our limitation in a particular skill. Once case in point is the ability to touch type. With computers being so ubiquitous in this day and age, taking processing power out of the equation, the biggest limitation, particularly if you need to write a lot (like emails, reports, articles, assignments and so on) is your word output on the keyboard. According to David Allen, the author of Getting Things Done, something magical happened to his productivity once he had learned to touch type at 50 words per minute, and I have to agree. My only regret is that I didn't learn this skill sooner than I did, but it has been the skill that has allowed me to double my productive output when sat at a computer for many years now. The great thing is that you can learn to touch type for free, but it does take a bit of scheduling and consistent practice. If you get a study buddy and do this together you are more likely to stick at it until you get to 50 words a minute. 

If you want to learn more about David Allen and his revolutionary approach to productivity you can click on the image below. 

Click on the image to learn more:

3. A Life Changing Event

Many of us go through life quietly suffering, with an undefined feeling of dissatisfaction, which we often cannot express. We just get on with it, however we don't know if there is anything we can do about our current circumstances and we resign ourselves into accepting that life is just the way it is. 

Then by some random happenstance we come across something which we are not too sure about, sounds too good to be true and we let the opportunity go by. But then something can pique our curiosity and we look into it further. We decide we will keep an open mind and find out for ourselves, and we then make a commitment. We attend and our life is never the same again. 

Unleash the Power Within is an event just like that. 

The first Time I attended a Tony Robbins event, there were many things that I just was dumbfounded by, even before the event got going. The first was the sheer number of people in attendance. It was held in London in a large conference centre and the place was packed out. The other thing that I was amazed about was just how far people had travelled to get there. People from all around the world (including Australia) had travelled specifically to attend this 4 day event and may were on a multiple visit. 

All I can say is I that I remember coming out of the event changed in such a profound way. I know that even some of the more skeptical people that I met there were blown away and said to me afterwards that it was so worth it. 

If you want to learn more about this event, click on the image below, however, if you are serious about either helping yourself or someone you care about, having the best year of their lives, then you should check out just how many tickets are actually left for this event. 

I hope that you have some positive inspiration from these about articles about finding gifts that will actually help make a positive change to your loved ones (or even your own) lives. 

Sunday 10 December 2017

Gift Ideas That Can Change Someone's Life - Part 1

I am a simple person. I know what is important to me and I don't like to waste money unnecessarily. So when it comes to thinking about getting gifts for people, I really like to try and get something which will have real value and appreciation.

When it comes to my second daughter its really easy. Technology, and anything that she thinks will make her more popular. However, my eldest daughter is much less shallow and she would rather have things that matter to her or make a difference to her life. Whether this is a book, lessons for something, or something that is going to improve the quality of her life and self understanding.

In this post I'm going to make some suggestions for gifts that may actually change someone's life or add value beyond the price of the gift.

1. Books

Books expand your mind, open you up to new ideas and give you a chance to exercise your mind. A mind expanded by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions.

A great book that I can recommend which is timeless in its message and wisdom is Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It's quite an old school book, however when it comes to a sustainable approach to improving your life so that it is more meaningful, purposeful and driven by your values, then I can't recommend a better book.

Click on the image to learn more:

2. Magazine Subscriptions

A magazine subscription for the right magazine can be life changing. It will allow you to keep completely up to date with any area that you have an interest in and is usually written by experts in the field. The great thing about Subscriptions these days is that you can get the latest edition delivered directly to your mobile device. If you know someone who is wanting to have more self awareness, or just generally interested in self improvement then Psychologies. It's a magazine that is primarily targeted at women, but I find it incredibly fascinating myself.

Click on the image to learn more:

3. A Really Nice Notebook

Anyone that has ever taken any serious time out to write down their thoughts, capture ideas, create their plans and set their life goals will always appreciate a good quality notebook for this purpose. The benchmark in quality is Moleskine, and if you have ever had the pleasure to use a Moleskine you will know exactly what the fuss is all about. The covers are tactile and feel great in the hand and the paper quality makes these a joy to write on. There is also a wide range of specification so you can get something that really suits the personality of the person you are buying for.

Below is one of my favourites. I prefer A5 size myself as I find them easy to carry around with me and jot down things in random ad hoc locations.

Click on the image to learn more:

4. A Really Nice Pen

Pens are also another personal gift that can change someone's pleasure and value in life. Especially if they have that special pen that they use for special occasions. It is critical that you get a pen that gives you a sense of ceremony when it is used as a pen is a tool of record for what is occurring in our mind. I personally use a Montblanc Starwalker which I use specifically to write down my goals, my deepest reflections and insights. 

Click on the image to learn more:

5. A Sleep Tracker And Wake Up Light

Nothing beats a good night's sleep and if you are anything like me, you really hate the winter for the lack of daylight. A good night's sleep though is energising, and when you are well rested, you have greater will power, optimism and are generally happier, more focused and productive. 

To that end a sleep monitor, sleep tracker and wake up alarm is a great life enhancing piece of technology that will empower and support you to get a good night's rest and a solid start to the day. I personally use the Withings Aura along with the Health Mate App to track my sleep, weight and movement. The alarm goes off during a window of time and the sensor tracks when that optimal moment is to wake you so that you wake feeling rested and refreshed. This is a grate gift at this time of year as we move into the shortest days of the year.

Click on the image to learn more:

In part 2, I will be looking at gifts that will just keep on giving with a similar life changing theme. 

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Your Ideal Day.....

One of the most overlooked aspect of setting an ideal life for yourself is actually recognising what it will look like. In this post is an exercise that will really get you to focus on this. If you don't live your ideal today, then it is something to work towards, and generally speaking, you will be surprised at how attainable your ideal day actually is....

One thing to take into account though, is that as humans, we all need something to do, someone to love and something to look forward to, so even though many people often have a romanticised idea of sitting on a beach somewhere all day, sipping cold drinks and not having a care in the world, the reality is that any satisfaction gained from this kind of existence will always be short lived. When idealising your day, its important to take all the important things into account like time for yourself, your relationships, your long term health and the work that you do.  

There's the exercise...

We'll start at the beginning of the day...

How are you starting off your day? What time are you getting up? How do you feel?

What is your bedroom like? Is there natural light waking you up, or do you have black out curtains and wake up when your body is good and ready?

What is it like where you are living? What's the lay out of your home, your kitchen, the quality of the furnishings and fittings?

How do you start your day? Do you pray, meditate, read, workout? Do you get up at the same time as the rest of the family or do you like to get up a bit earlier to start your day in peaceful solitude?

Do you get yourself a drink? What sort and where do you drink it?

What is the view like outside of your window? What kind of location are you living in?

Do you like to get a bit of work done, or set your day up before spending time with the family?

What does your working day look like? Where do you work from? Do you have an office, or do you work from home, or flexibly from a local coffee shop?

What do you spend your work morning doing?

What do you do for lunch? Do you meet with friends, clients or with your partner?

Do you go for a lunch time walk, do a bit of exercise or take a nap?

How do you spend the rest of your afternoon? Do you do a bit of pro bono work for a cause that you are passionate about?

What about your dinner? What do you have and where do you eat? What do you have to go with it?

How do you spend your evening? Do you meditate? spend time with the family, or just unwind by reading or catching up on news?

And what about when you are getting ready to wind the day down? Do you spend time thinking about the progress, contribution and fulfilment that you have had during the day? Do you plan out the following day?

This is your ideal day and it is something only you can design to create a life that is meaningful and fulfilling for you. Base it on what you believe in, and what you truly value. 

If you aren't too sure about any particular aspect, it's OK. Just make it up as you would envisage it, like you did when you were a kid, imagining a life without limitations. This exercise is just for you and you don't need to share it with anyone, and neither should you. 

It’s your ideal day.

There are only two problems in life. Isn't that reassuring? The first one is that you don't know what you want and the second is that you know what you want, but don't know how to get it. 

The solution to the problems is also simple... Make it up, and then make it happen. 

The purpose of this exercise is to provide your subconscious mind a blueprint that you can work towards. A simple and clear idea of what you want for your life will give you direction, motivation and clarity, and these will give you the impulse to act.

Don't expect to get it right the first time, after all, we are all work in progress, and when we achieve one goal, its important to enjoy it for a while, but then we need to start setting something else so that we still have something to do and something to look forward to.

Get going and set your direction in life. It all starts with a single day, but a single day well lived, will lead to well lived weeks, months, years and ultimately a well lived life.

There will of course be challenges and learning, but this is how we grow.

Write your thoughts in a journal and come back to it as a way of recalibrating yourself, whenever you feel you are getting off track. 

Don't wait until new year to start improving your life. Start right away, and commit to the process over the long haul and you will be amazed at the miracles that show up. 

Gratitude | Louie Schwartzberg | TEDxSF

Cultivate your gratitude and get unbelievable perspective.

Sunday 3 December 2017

Take A Few Moments To Reflect...

While most people tend to take time out at the end of the festive period to reflect on what they have achieved, what they need to work on and improve, I have always had the habit of doing this at the early end of December. 
I have found over the year, that doing this, has really helped me to keep myself on track during the holidays, but more importantly, to hit the ground running, and also sticking to my commitments when January did eventually come around. 
So... Let's take a moment to reflect on your last year...
How did you get on?
Do you even remember what your 'resolutions' were last year?
Do you feel like you made progress towards your goals?
Did your goals change over the year?
Do you have a clearer picture of what it takes to achieve the success you desire today than you did in January?
Some years, looking back... I felt like I didn't make any progress at all. In other years, I felt like everything had changed and what I thought was important, didn't seem so significant, and yet even in other years, I got so tied up with new projects and other people's plans that I barely did anything for my own growth. 

Over time however, I realised that even the "unsuccessful" years were helping me to subtly lay the foundations and while imperceptible at the time, did amount to having a great impact on my personal growth. 
This kind of foundation building can lead to huge future growth, though...
And if you are anything like me, you can get a bit impatient at times...Like wanting to be 10 steps farther ahead than you are at all times.
It is totally natural...Be patient with yourself!

Dealing with challenges in your life is a tough business... Advertising make it sound easy so they can sell you products that promise you that you will be rid of a certain challenge for good, but the truth of the matter is that it takes a ton of perseverance, hard work and trial and error.
Looking back, it all makes sense why it took me so long and I know you don't have to take THAT long!
Because I'm able to help guide you around some of the huge mistakes I made that set me back years.
And that is my goal here...
To help guide you to the shortest path to achieve the success you desire...
But you have to put in the work on your end... I can't do that part for you.
I can, however, remind you that I'm right here on my end putting in the work, too.
Eager to reach the next level, too!
So you aren't alone.
And we are in this together!
Stay strong and be gentle with yourself through this process...
Most people don't have the courage to even try to recognise where their life is and commit to making a change for the better.
Most people don't have the perseverance to keep going after the first few failures.
And I've got a feeling that 2018 is going to be a breakout year for us both!