Tuesday 12 December 2017

Gift Ideas That Can Change Someone's Life - Part 2

So what are the gifts that keep on giving, but can also change someone's life?

In my view they are gifts that help to change a person, make their life easier on a day to day basis and provide an ongoing utility and appreciation long after they have been received. 

To that end, here are some of my favourites that I can say, have really enhanced my life and while some of them I have had for over a decade, I still appreciate them and what they have done for me over that time. 

1. A Good Multitool

I'm really not sure if this is a guy thing, however, I have rarely met another guy who hasn't appreciated the value of a good quality multi-tool. I got my first multitool over 20 years ago and I remember feeling like MacGyver. Every time I used the tool, I could appreciate the quality and the utility, and I did get it to do some tough jobs over the years. In the spirit of the gift that keeps on giving, I eventually handed it down to my nephew, who still uses it on almost a daily basis. The secret to the longevity is quality and my personal recommendation is the Leatherman Supertool, which is a full size tool. I have had the every day carry tools like the wave, but not found them as good on heavier duty jobs, but the Supertool has served and delivered on every kind of job.  

Click on the image for more details: 

2. A Useful Skill

Sometimes the limiting factor in our productivity is our limitation in a particular skill. Once case in point is the ability to touch type. With computers being so ubiquitous in this day and age, taking processing power out of the equation, the biggest limitation, particularly if you need to write a lot (like emails, reports, articles, assignments and so on) is your word output on the keyboard. According to David Allen, the author of Getting Things Done, something magical happened to his productivity once he had learned to touch type at 50 words per minute, and I have to agree. My only regret is that I didn't learn this skill sooner than I did, but it has been the skill that has allowed me to double my productive output when sat at a computer for many years now. The great thing is that you can learn to touch type for free, but it does take a bit of scheduling and consistent practice. If you get a study buddy and do this together you are more likely to stick at it until you get to 50 words a minute. 

If you want to learn more about David Allen and his revolutionary approach to productivity you can click on the image below. 

Click on the image to learn more:

3. A Life Changing Event

Many of us go through life quietly suffering, with an undefined feeling of dissatisfaction, which we often cannot express. We just get on with it, however we don't know if there is anything we can do about our current circumstances and we resign ourselves into accepting that life is just the way it is. 

Then by some random happenstance we come across something which we are not too sure about, sounds too good to be true and we let the opportunity go by. But then something can pique our curiosity and we look into it further. We decide we will keep an open mind and find out for ourselves, and we then make a commitment. We attend and our life is never the same again. 

Unleash the Power Within is an event just like that. 

The first Time I attended a Tony Robbins event, there were many things that I just was dumbfounded by, even before the event got going. The first was the sheer number of people in attendance. It was held in London in a large conference centre and the place was packed out. The other thing that I was amazed about was just how far people had travelled to get there. People from all around the world (including Australia) had travelled specifically to attend this 4 day event and may were on a multiple visit. 

All I can say is I that I remember coming out of the event changed in such a profound way. I know that even some of the more skeptical people that I met there were blown away and said to me afterwards that it was so worth it. 

If you want to learn more about this event, click on the image below, however, if you are serious about either helping yourself or someone you care about, having the best year of their lives, then you should check out just how many tickets are actually left for this event. 

I hope that you have some positive inspiration from these about articles about finding gifts that will actually help make a positive change to your loved ones (or even your own) lives. 

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