Thursday 22 December 2016

Why December Is a Great Month for Hiring

If there was ever a time to get depressed about being unemployed, it is in December. It is tough to be out of work with the holidays looming and you find yourself short on cash when all you want to do is buy gifts for your family.

The good news is that this can be the best month to be hired for a new job. If you have not already, follow up NOW on any recent interviews or applications and try to keep a positive outlook on any opportunities that may present themselves.

Many businesses, and not just those in retail, hire seasonal employees. While it may seem pointless to take a job that is only temporary, these often lead to a permanent position. You get a paycheck for a specified number of weeks and all that time you are proving to the company what an asset you are, not to mention that those numbered weeks would have been weeks where you brought in nothing had you not taken the temporary job. Many people consider this a really long job interview with work samples thrown in for good measure, which provides much more than what a resume can!

There is also a little known fact that many departments have budgets that have to be spent or else they will be allocated less money next year. In the case of spend-it-or-lose-it, these hiring managers are under a lot of pressure to hire before the clock runs out on December 31st.

These positions are not normally temporary and can be just the career boost you have been needing. Talk about a huge advantage for those in the job market!

Finally, when there is a presidential election coming up, many companies and hiring managers will be waiting to see what will happen so that they will be able to better predict their budgets and company needs for the next few years. For you this means that companies that are holding back hiring until after the election will started to go ahead and hire the staff they will need.

This is a great time to get yourself hired so dust off your resume and cover letter and get started. This whole idea may seem far away, but it'll be here before you know it so be sure to prepare yourself ahead of time and keep track of your resume. You don't want to find yourself unprepared with an opportunity presenting itself.

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