Tuesday 26 September 2017

The Importance of Being an Optimist

In this world it is said that there are two completely different types of people. There is the optimist who always tries to look on the bright side of life. Then there is the pessimist who always takes a negative view on proceedings. But it does not mean that you have to be either one or the other, you could have different feelings towards different situations.

I know from personal experience that sometimes I can look at things in a positive manner. Then there are times when I look at things in a negative way. I have a little saying that helps out sometimes and I hope it will help you too. Think of this mantra any time that you're feeling down and out, I can assure you it helps.
Always assume that things will turn out for the best until it is proven not to! Keeping a positive attitude goes such a long way and keeps your spirits up. This also increases your chances of achieving a successful outcome in whatever it is that you're looking to do. I can tell you this based on both personal experience and studies conducted to back up this point.
I believe that we can influence results by the way we feel at the time. That is to say that if we think negative thoughts all the time then there is quite a good chance that negative things will happen.
There is a premise that we tend to end up with whatever we spend our energies on. If this is true then why would we spend all our time focusing on negative things? We would be far better off thinking of positive thoughts instead. Our time is a precious commodity that we should not let go to waste by thinking negative thoughts all the time.
I am not saying that everything will always work out as long as we think positive. Sometimes things do go against you but that is just life I'm afraid.
If we continue to moan about how bad things are then we will just get bogged down all the time. We should just try to put the negative feelings to the back of our minds and just try not to give up on things so easily.
There is no point whatsoever in fretting about things that might not even happen in the first place. Try to remain positive and you will be much closer to achieving the things that you want to in life.


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