Wednesday 6 September 2017

How to Determine If You Are Working From Your Strengths or Weaknesses

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, but do you know what yours are? Knowing exactly what they are can help you out in a lot of ways in the working world. When you are looking for a job, you can be ready to answer all the interview questions about this subject, which can many times take people off guard. You want to be prepared for questions about your strengths and weaknesses so you answer properly and do not mess this question up. It can help employers to get a quick snapshot of who you are and what your abilities truly are, helping them to make the decision of whether or not you would make a good fit in their company. They also want to know how good your self-evaluation skills are.

How Do You Determine Your Strengths and Weaknesses
You need to take a long, hard look at yourself and how you act in different situations. A great place to start is how you act in a group setting, or, if you are married, this is another great indicator that can show you a lot about yourself. There are also a variety of quizzes online that can help you to determine things like your personality, health and strengths and weaknesses which all help to show you your overall strengths.
At Work
Besides landing the job in that interview, you also want to know what your work strengths are so that you can work from them and build on them, improving the quality of work that your produce. This can be very helpful in getting you noticed by your boss at work, and therefore helping you to get promotions or bonuses that you may have not been able to get otherwise.

Know, too, what is important to you in a job. What do you want to achieve at work? Do you want to move up the ladder in your company, or are you happy with where you are at? Most people like to continually learn new things and move up, even if it doesn't mean a promotion. Knowing your different strengths and weaknesses can assure that you are working from your strengths to do your best at your job.
Where Do You Stand?
After assessing your personality and working strengths, do you know where you stand at your job? Are you working from those strengths, or have you fallen into following your weaknesses instead? Take a look at your job performance and do what you need to do to improve your work habits and to focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses. You can always improve on what you are doing, so don't feel discouraged if you realize that you have not been doing your best. You may even be better at a different job than the one you are currently doing. This may mean seeing if you can move to a different section within your current company, or maybe even switching to a new profession.
Whichever the case, you can always adjust what you are doing to make sure that you are working from your strengths to get the most out of what you are doing and to the best job that you can.

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