Wednesday 13 September 2017

Key Principles of Understanding Yourself

It is not always easy to truly understand yourself. There are so many layers and intricacies of the human existence that it is often confusing and sometimes just plain elusive. You have to be willing to work at it. You have to be persistent. You have to be willing to take the time out of your busy day to be with yourself, to probe, to challenge and to try to understand. Many things are involved and I want to give you a few keys to make your quest a little easier.

  1. Be patient with yourself. Some things will not reveal themselves easily. You will have to probe and cajole sometimes to get deep enough to get at them. It takes time and that is all right. They will become available to you when the time is right and when you will be able to understand and process them. That does not mean you should just wait and stop tying to understand. Keep working and the right things will come out at the right time. Try to be ready to work to understand as things show up.
  2. Be curious. Let your curiosity lead you. Seek to understand at a deeper level. Look under all the rocks and in all the crevices of your inner being. Do not leave a corner untouched. You will be amazed at what you will find. You are an incredible being - full of surprises and wonders. You may even find some stuff you do not like very much. Do not worry. You are in charge of changing what you do not like. You alone are in control of your thoughts and actions. Do what you need to do to make things the way you want them to be.
  3. Be courageous. It takes courage to probe deeply. It takes courage to face your fears. It takes courage to challenge your beliefs. Be that person who is courageous and deal with everything that comes up for you. It will allow you to be in control and to create the life that you want to live.
  4. Be accepting. As I mentioned, you may find things you do not like. Be totally accepting of yourself. Practice self-love. None of us are perfect. You will find things you do not like and are not proud of. That is natural and part of the human condition. Show yourself love, acceptance and forgiveness and then change the things you can and let go of the others and move on. Now that you have done this a whole new life is in front of you. Take charge of it.
After doing these four things you will be well on your way to self-awareness. Keep it up - it is and never ending process.


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