Tuesday 21 November 2017

Cause of Social Anxiety Disorder - What Causes Anxiety?

There is more than one cause of Social Anxiety Disorder and no single cause. Like other conditions social anxiety is a complex issue with a number of contributors. In most people, the disorder is the result of the combination of biological and environmental factors. So what causes anxiety? - a combination of genetic makeup and environmental factors like upbringing and experiences.

It is now widely accepted that just as features like our eye color or chin shape are inherited, our sensitivity to social criticism can move genetically from one generation to the next. It is estimated that a person with a first degree relative with this disorder is between 30% to 40% more at risk. So with a genetic predisposition and added environmental stimulus from life's experiences we become more prone to developing this disorder at some point in our life.

A chemical imbalance in your brain is another contributing cause. These chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, are used to send signals from one cell to another. Four neurotransmitters are believed to play a role in social anxiety disorder: norepinephrine, serotonin, doamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid. Researchers are just beginning to understand exactly how an imbalance of these neurotransmitters contribute to the cause of this disorder. It is known, however, that the brain of a sufferer reacts differently to social triggers than the brain of people without the disorder.

Environmental causes can influence the development of social anxiety disorder. Evidence suggests that many sufferers were raised in socially isolated environments. This has also been demonstrated in adoptive families where no genetic component exists. Naturally timid children are more likely to develop social anxiety disorder, indicating that temperament may also be one of the causes of the condition.
Social anxiety can become apparent at different developmental stages. Babies can develop a fear of strangers at around seven months. Separation anxiety is noticeable in some children - often most obvious in three-year-olds than in five-year-olds. Being alone can be difficult for children ages six to eight and then often becomes their choice as they approach puberty and adolescence. Solitude becomes more important as anxiety about physical appearance and performance in school increases. We also know that traumatic or stressful life events occurring at an early developmental stage may increase the risk of a later development of social anxiety disorder.

So what cause anxiety? The cause of Social Anxiety Disorder then is a combination of contributing factors. Genetics, upbringing and life's experiences all play their part.
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